Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 49)

You never know who's right, but you always know who's in charge.

Beware of the physician who is great at getting out of trouble.

He who shouts loudest has the floor.

The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.

No man is a hero to his valet.

The first requisite of intelligent tinkering is to save all the pieces.

The usefulness of any meeting is in inverse proportion to the attendance.

Bad regulation begets worse regulation.

If you pick up a chunk of broken concrete and try to pitch it into an adjacent lot, it will hit a tree limb and come down right on the driver’s side of your car windshield.

All things being equal, you lose.
Corollary: All things being in your favor, you still lose.

What you don't know will always hurt you.

History does not repeat itself; historians simply repeat each other.

The distance to the gate from which your flight departs is inversely proportional to the time remaining before the scheduled departure of the flight.

Chaos always wins, because it’s better organized.

The cigarette smoke always drifts in the direction of the non-smoker regardless of the direction of the breeze.

Look after the molehills and the mountains will look after themselves.

There are four kinds of people: those who sit quietly and do nothing, those who talk about sitting quietly and doing nothing, those who do things, and those who talk about doing things.

1. All bicycles weigh 50 pounds.
2. 30-pound bicycle needs a 20-pound lock and chain.
3. A 40-pound bicycle needs a 10-pound lock and chain.
4. A 50-pound bicycle needs no lock or chain.

The higher up the organization, the fewer people appreciate Murphy's Law.

Never conduct negotiations before 10:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. Before 10:00 you appear too anxious, and after 4:00 they think you're desperate.

No job is too small to botch.