Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 6)

Anything in parentheses can be ignored.

The efficiency of a committee meeting is inversely proportional to the number of participants and the time spent on deliberations.

To estimate the time it takes to do a task, estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two, and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit. (Example: allocate two days for a one-hour task)

Old age is always fifteen years older than I am.

Batteries die at the most critical time of the most complex problem.

Things hate people.

Scientists who dislike the restraints of highly organized research like to remark that a truly great research worker needs only three pieces of equipment – a pencil, a piece of paper, and a brain… but they quote this maxim more often at academic banquets than at budget hearings.

Tolerances will accumulate unidirectionally toward maximum difficulty of assembly.

If you have something to do and you put it off for long enough, the chances are someone else will do it for you.

All general statements are false.

The only time suppressive fire works is when it is used on abandoned positions.

It is usually impractical to worry beforehand about interferences; if you have none, someone will make one for you.

Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the programmer who must maintain it.

Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.

If at first you don’t succeed, read the manual.

Never drink anything that’s still on fire.

Whenever you decide to take the kids home, it is always five minutes earlier that they break into fights, tears, or hysteria.

Murphy's Law cannot be proven, yet is correct, as when you try to prove Murphy's Law, you will see that the proof is incorrect. This is obviously due to Murphy's Law, therefore Murphy's Law is correct and proven.

All trails have more uphill sections than they have level or downhill sections.

The hardness of the butter is in direct proportion to the softness of the bread.

A committee is the only life form with 12 stomachs and no brain.