Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 70)

The one wrench or drill bit you need will be the one missing from the tool chest.

1. Anyone can make a decision given enough facts. 2. A good manager can make a decision without enough facts. 3. A perfect manager can operate in perfect ignorance.

He travels fastest who travels alone… but he hasn’t anything to do when he gets there.

The bus that left the stop just before you got there is your bus.

Find out the cost before you get in.

Don’t draw fire, it irritates the people around you.

Attempt to be seen with important people.

A body at rest tends to watch television.

Progress is made on alternate Fridays.

It is morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.

In order to get a loan you must first prove you don't need it.

The most delicate component will be dropped.

Expenditure rises to meet income.

No one is as ugly as their passport photo.

Typesetters always correct intentional errors, but fail to correct unintentional ones.

If you are forward of your position, the artillery will fall short.

If you don’t feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you’ll feel better; but don’t make an appointment, and you’ll stay sick.

Caveats are always* forgotten.
*Caveat: except in rare instances

There is no proposition, no matter how foolish, for which a dozen Nobel signatures cannot be collected.

At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.

You have taken yourself too seriously.