Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 81)

Usefulness is inversely proportional to reputation for being useful.

Nobody notices the big errors.

Last but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.

Once you open a can of worms, the only way to recan them is to use a bigger can.

The probability of anything happening is in inverse ratio to its desirability.

There is always more dirty laundry than clean laundry.

Never enter a battle of wits half-armed.

Only at the start/re-start of a DIY job do you realise the need to return to your toolbox/shed to retrieve another tool.

Far-away talent always seems better than home-developed talent.

You should have seen it when I got it.

The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.

Stay busy, get plenty of exercise, and don’t drink too much… then again, don’t drink too little.

Two percent don’’t get the word.

Your own car uses more gas and oil than anyone else's.

Never trust a private with a loaded weapon, or an officer with a map and compass.

The length of a progress report is inversely proportional to the amount of progress.

In any household, junk accumulates to fill the space available for its storage.

Whenever you decide to take the kids home, it is always five minutes earlier that they break into fights, tears, or hysteria.

The intelligence of any discussion diminishes with the square of the number of participants.

If your next pot of chili tastes better, it probably is because of something left out, rather than added.

Once a dish is fouled up, anything added to save it only makes it worse.