Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 83)

The more complicated and grandiose the plan, the greater the chance of a screw-up.

If the enemy is in range, so are you!

Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.

All general statements are false.

Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.

Claim victory and retreat.

There are those who don't even like to be rubbed the right way.

The price of any product produced for a government agency will be not less than the square of the initial Firm Fixed-Price Contract.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

If, while you are in school, there is a shortage of qualified personnel in a particular field, then by the time you graduate with the necessary qualifications, that field's employment is glutted.

All warranty and guarantee clauses are rendered void on payment of the invoice.

The more qualified candidates who are available, the more likely the compromise will be on the candidate whose main qualification is a non-threatening incompetence.

There’s an unseen force which lets birds know when you’ve just washed your car.

(1922 – ) English comedy writer & television presenter

Gravity is a contributing factor in 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

Some mistakes are too fun to make only once.

When a person with experience meets a person with money, the person with experience will get the money and the person with the money will get some experience.

There is no substitute for good manners… except, perhaps, fast reflexes.

Don’t ever be the first, don’t ever be the last and don’t ever volunteer to do anything.

The only time to be positive is when you are positive you are wrong.

No matter what stage of completion one reaches, the cost of the remainder of the project remains constant.

If anything can go wrong it will go wrong when Mr. Murphy is out of town.