Subject: People (Page 123)

Ever notice that George Bush doesn't speak when Dick Cheney is drinking water?

(1951 – 2014) comedian & actor

I just moved into a new house – so I had to go door to door to notify my neighbors that I am a registered sex offender… I’m not really, but it keeps those f**king kids out of my yard!


People tell me there are a lot of guys like me, which doesn't explain why I'm lonely.

(1927 – ) Canadian-born American comedian & actor

People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.

(1958 – ) comedian, actress & television host

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

This year there are 50 women on the Forbes richest list, or as John Kerry calls that, his little black book.

(1950 – ) comedian & television host

Exercise freaks… are the ones putting stress on the health care system.

(1951 – ) American conservative radio talk-show host

I am being frank about myself in this book; I tell of my first mistake on page 850.

(1923 – ) German-born diplomat & scholar

Many a necklace becomes a noose.

(1888 – 1982) American writer

Women love scallywags, but some marry them and then try to make them wear a blazer.

(1938 – ) English fashion & portrait photographer

Men… you can’t live with them… you don’t have to.

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

(1917 – 1994) American writer

Eccentric: A man too rich to be called crazy.

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.

(1809 – 1865) 16th U.S. president

A woman’s a woman until the day she dies, but a man’s only a man as long as he can.

(1894 – 1975) American comedian

If I were Achilles I would put my foot in a f**king block of concrete!

(1962 – ) English stand-up comedian & actor

A conference is just an admission that you want somebody to join you in your troubles.

(1879 – 1935) humorist & social commentator

A sports expert is the guy who writes the best alibis for being wrong.

(1909 – 1973) American sports journalist

The amount of expertise varies in inverse proportion to the number of statements understood by the general public.

You may already be a loser!

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

God is silent; now if only man would shut up.

(1935 – ) movie actor, director & comedian