Subject: People (Page 5)

Of course they have, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here talking to someone like you.

(1901 – 2000) English author

Bore: A guy with a cocktail glass in one hand and your lapel in the other

(1906 – 1998) English-born American comedian

People seldom become famous for what they say until after they are famous for what they've done.

(1923 – ) American quote & quip writer

A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion but doesn’t.

A committee takes hours to put into minutes what can be done in seconds.

I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Reporter: What do you think of Western Civilization?

Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

(1869 – 1948) Indian leader of independence movement

You never see a man walking down the street with a woman who has a little potbelly and a bald spot.

(1952 – ) comedian

Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m schizophrenic and so am I.

(1942 – ) Scottish comedian, musician & actor

Literature is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your talent to people who have none.

(1864 – 1910) French author

As a child, I was more afraid of tetanus shots than, for example, Dracula.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

The English are not very spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them some idea of eternity.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

I would rather be an opportunist and float than go to the bottom with my principles round my neck.

(1867 – 1947) British politician

Giving Northerners unbuttered instant grits is an old remedy for getting rid of tourists.

(1946 – 1994) writer & humorist

A kind of cross between Julia Roberts and Jack Nicholson.

British journalist, author and television & music critic

He’s an animal lover… people he don’t like so much.

(1937 – ) British playwright & screenwriter

I didn't know her well, but after watching her in action I didn't want to know her well.

(1905 – 1977) American actress

Real men don’t use instructions, son; besides, this is just the manufacturer’s opinion on how to put this together.

(1953 – ) comedian & actor

Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.

(1878 – 1937) humorist, journalist & author

Sewing Circle: A group of women who needle each other.

Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes.

(1883 – 1965) French-born composer