Subject: People (Page 64)

His favorite exercise is climbing tall people.

(1917 – 2012) comedian & actress

Information travels more surely to those with a lesser need to know.

He rules the country with an iron fist – the same way he plays the piano.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

Men are brave enough to go to war, but they are not brave enough to get a bikini wax.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

Woman: An animal… having rudimentary susceptibility to domestication… The species is the most widely distributed of all beast of prey… The woman is omnivorous and can be taught not to talk.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Every crowd has a silver lining.

(1810 – 1891) American politician, showman & businessman

And most men seem to think ‘mutual orgasm’ is an insurance company.

(1958 – ) Australian author

Sophia Loren plays peasants; I play ladies.

(1927 – ) Italian actress & photojournalist

They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Highway and he’s nothing like him, but I can see why – it’s because he’s a bit different.

English football player & manager

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

(1952 – 2001) English writer, dramatist, & musician

We are constantly being surprised that people did things well before we were born.

(1889 – 1945) actor, author & humorist

The Irish… don’t care for clean government; they want Irish government.

(1869 – 1944) Canadian economist & humorist

You take 10 Jews at random and put 'em on a basketball court, you get a real estate seminar.


Men are only as loyal as their options.

(1956 – ) comedian, television host, social critic & political commentator

Nobody ever asks a father how he manages to combine marriage and a career.

(1920 – 2001) American writer & humorist

A man who goes into a supermarket for a few items would rather walk around balancing them than put them in one of those little baskets.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

Women were brought up to believe that men were the answer; they weren’t… they weren’t even one of the questions.

(1946 – ) English writer

Can’t anything be done about calling these guys student athletes? … That’s like referring to Attila the Hun’s cavalry as “weekend warriors.”

(1925 – ) columnist & journalist

Autobiography: An I-witness account

People to whom you are attracted invariably think you remind them of someone else.

My dad is Irish and my mum is Iranian, which meant that we spent most of our family holidays in Customs.

(1969 – ) American singer-songwriter & musician