Subject: People (Page 97)

Business conventions are important because they demonstrate how many people a company can operate without.

If man could be crossed with the cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

A woman’s a woman until the day she dies, but a man’s only a man as long as he can.

(1894 – 1975) American comedian

You might be a redneck if… your child’s first words are “Attention Kmart shoppers!

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something's wrong with me.

(1952 – ) comedian

You might be a redneck if… your last year you hid yer kids' Easter eggs under cow pies.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

I love my name: Paris is my favorite city, and Paris without the ‘P’ is “heiress.”

(1981 – ) heiress, socialite, media personality & model

There are some people that if they don’t know, you can’t tell ‘em.

(1901 – 1971) American jazz trumpeter and singer

What’s a Jewish mobster?… ‘I’m going to break the legs of your therapist.

(1947 – ) comedian & actor

As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind.

(1917 – 1998) author, critic, animal rights activist

It's easy to identify people who can't count to ten; they're in front of you in the supermarket express lane.

(1930 – 1977) German teacher

I think the Japanese are smart people – stereotypically so.

(1982 – ) American stand-up comedian

A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all – he's walking on them.

(1904 – 1974) American author & radio producer

Why women don’t blink during foreplay… not enough time.

(1935 – 2014) American comedian, television personality, writer & director

It was a mixed marriage… I’m human, and he was a Klingon.

comedian, writer, actor & producer

You might be a redneck if… the FBI surrounded your trailer park twice so far this year.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

We need a twelve-step group for compulsive talkers; they could call it On Anon Anon.

(1959 – ) American comedian

Men and nations will act rationally towards each other only after all other possibilities have been exhausted.

I went to a gay bar, they wanted proof of sex so I showed them, they said it wasn’t enough.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

Reckless Driver: One who passes you on the highway in spite of all you can do.