Subject: People » Women (Page 17)

Whenever I meet a pretty girl, the first thing I look for is intelligence; because if she doesn’t have that, then she’s mine.

(1978 – ) American writer & stand-up comedian

If we men married the women we deserved, we should have a very bad time of it.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Once a woman has given you her heart you can never get rid of the rest of her body.

(1664 – 1726) English architect & dramatist

A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.

(1853 – 1937) journalist, writer & editor

As a general thing, when a woman wears the pants in a family, she has a good right to them.

(1818 – 1885) humorist

I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day; I haven't had time for tobacco since.

(1867 – 1957) Italian conductor

I'd rather have two girls at 21 each than one girl at 42.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

My husband could have had any women he pleased – he just couldn't please any!

Men love war because it allows them to look serious… it is the one thing that stops women laughing at them.

(1926 – 2005) English novelist & essayist

X-chromosome: A genetic double-cross that empowers women with the ability to bear children and reserves for men the right to be color-blind hemophiliacs.

(1950 – ) American author, satirist, webmaster & copywriter

When a guy writes a scene where a woman does a deviant sex act on camera, it’s objectifying; but when a woman writes it, it’s feminism.

(1982 – ) American actress & comedian

Marriage is the price men pay for sex, sex is the price women pay for marriage.

It took us hundreds of years to get one Year of the Woman, then we get a year – one of us cuts her husband's penis off.

stand-up comedian, actor, writer & producer

Opportunity knocks for every man, but you have to give a woman a ring.

(1893 – 1980) actress, playwright, screenwriter & sex symbol

Show me a woman who doesn’t feel guilty, and I’ll show you a man.

(1942 – ) American author and teacher

The way things are these days, a girl's gotta play hard to take.

(1905 – 1974) radio comedian

The two women exchanged the kind of glance women use when no knife is handy.

(1905 – 1982) American mystery writer (co-author of Ellery Queen stories

In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol… it was the worst 20 minutes of my life.

(1946 – 2005) Irish professional football player

I married beneath me – all women do.

(1879 – 1964) British politician

The number of women a man find attractive is truly proportionate to his age.

Americans like fat books and thin women.

(1925 – ) columnist & journalist