Subject: Places » Canada (Page 2)

Coming from Canada, being a writer and Jewish as well, I have impeccable paranoia credentials.

(1931 – 2001) Canadian author, screenwriter & essayist

I should mention I’m not actually from Canada; my father was just stationed here during the Vietnam War.

Canadian comedian & author

The Canadian military is like Switzerland's… without the knife.

Canadian comedian & author

We'll explain the appeal of curling to you if you explain the appeal of the National Rifle Association to us.

(1945 – ) Canadian radio personality

Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fisherman.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

I'm the best heavyweight in Canada and I'll still be the best when I'm dead seven years.

Canadian boxing champion

It’s going to be a great country when they finish unpacking it.

(1943 – ) Canadian author & newsman

Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States.

(1895-1957) Canadian historian

Canada is an entire country named Doug.

(1959 – ) American actor, stand-up comedian & television host

Wherever you go in the world, you just have to say you’re Canadian and people laugh.

(1950 – 1994) Canadian actor & comedian

Canada is a country so square that even the female impersonators are women.

(1944 – ) American stand-up comedian actor & author

I’ve been to Canada, and I’ve always gotten the impression that I could take the country over in about two days.

(1962 – ) American political satirist, writer, television host & comedian

In any world menu, Canada must be considered the vichyssoise of nations – it's cold, half-French, and difficult to stir.

(1913 – 1987) Canadian journalist