Subject: Places » England (Page 2)

Anyone who has been to an English public school will always feel comparatively at home in prison.

(1903 – 1966) English writer

Trains in Britain can be late for all sorts of reasons: speed restrictions, livestock on the track, or a totally substandard rail infrastructure that’s publicly funded, privately run and answerable to no one… all sorts of reasons.

(1979 – ) English comedian & actor

If an Englishman gets run down by a truck he apologizes to the truck.

(1934 – ) comedian

We have in England a curious belief in first-rate people, meaning all the people we do not know; and this consoles us for the undeniable second-rateness of the people we do know.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

The English think soap is civilization.

(1834 – 1896) German historian & political writer

Studies show 1 in 5 British teens are unable to peel an orange… it’s a good job they’ve all got knives then.

(1961 – ) English standup comedian, actor & writer

All Englishmen talk as if they’ve got a bushel of plums stuck in their throats, and then after swallowing them get constipated from the pips.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

The English instinctively admire any man who has no talent and is modest about it.

(1877 – 1947) British diarist & critic

The president of France said that the English are arrogant with their refusal to learn foreign languages; at least, I think that’s what he said… it all just sounded like “haw-he-haw-he-haw-he-haw.”

(1973 – ) English writer & stand-up comedian

England is better only because I stand out there as ‘unusual.’

(1956 – ) American comedian

In England there are sixty different religions and only one sauce.

(1563 – 1608) Italian Catholic priest

We’re not used to weather in June in this country.

professional football player, coach & executive

What a pity it is that we have no amusements in England but vice and religion.

(1771 – 1845) English writer & Anglican clergyman

The one great principle of the English law is, to make business for itself.

(1812 – 1870) English novelist

Do you reckon the Queen has ever pulled a blanket up so just her head’s showing and gone ‘Philip, look at me! I’m a stamp!'

(1980 – ) English comedian, television and radio presenter & actor

Long experience has taught me that in England nobody goes to the theater unless he or she has bronchitis.

(1877 – 1947) British diarist & critic

The old English belief that if a thing is unpleasant it is automatically good for you.

(1908 – 1986) English cartoonist, author, art critic & stage designer

The climate of England has been the world’s most powerful colonizing impulse.

The English find ill-health not only interesting but respectable and often experience death in the effort to avoid a fuss.

(1908 – 1967) English novelist

If one could only teach the English how to talk, and the Irish how to listen, society here would be quite civilized.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

What two ideas are more inseparable than Beer and Britannia?

(1771 – 1845) English writer & Anglican clergyman