Subject: Places » New York City

You could go out at four in the morning, after a nuclear bomb destroys the entire eastern seaboard, and the Triborough Bridge would be jammed.

(1960 – ) American comedian

New York… when civilization falls apart, remember, we were way ahead of you.

(1947 – ) comedian & television host

New York City is filled with the same kind of people I left New Jersey to get away from.

(1950 – ) writer & humorist

I saw a license plate yesterday that said 'I Miss New York,' so I smashed their window and stole their radio.

(1962 – ) American actor & comedian

Last night, it was so cold, the flashers in New York were only describing themselves.

(1925 – 2005) television host

Today, I bought a pastrami sandwich: $13.75; walked back out in the street – genuine Rolex watch: six bucks.

(1957 – 2007) American stand-up comedian & actor

I really don't like living there; I have to for health reasons; I'm very paranoid, and New York's the only place where my fears are justified.

American comedian

The last time anybody made a list of the top hundred character attributes of New Yorkers, common sense snuck in at number seventy-nine.

(1952 – 2001) English writer, dramatist, & musician

Running for senator in New York is like bobbing for piranhas.

(1951 – 2014) comedian & actor

It'll be a great place if they ever finish it.

William Sydney Porter (1862 – 1910) American writer

New York is the only city in the world where you can get deliberately run down on the sidewalk by a pedestrian.

(1925 – ) columnist & journalist

Three o’clock in the morning, you can get truck tires, falafel and a bag of heroin – in the same store.

(1968 – ) American stand-up comedian, radio personality, author & actor

New York is an exciting town where something is happening all the time… most unsolved.

(1925 – 2005) television host

NASA is developing space taxis to shuttle astronauts to the International Space Station; and just like New York taxis… they’re all going to be driven by aliens.

(1974 – ) American comedian, actor, producer & television host

In Manhattan, every flat surface is a potential stage and every inattentive waiter an unemployed, possibly unemployable, actor.

(1908 – 1999) English writer

New York, the nation's thyroid gland.

(1890 – 1957) author & journalist

I moved to New York for my health; I’m paranoid, and New York was the only place where my fears were justified.

Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.

(1947 – ) comedian & television host

There are two million interesting people in New York and only seventy-eight in Los Angeles.

(1927 – 2018) playwright & screenwriter

Anytime four New Yorkers get into a cab together without arguing, a bank robbery has just taken place.

(1925 – 2005) television host

I go to New York and I saw a big sign saying “America Loves Smirnoff” and I said to myself, what a country!

(1951 – ) Soviet-American comedian