Subject: Places (Page 22)

You couldn't be a racist and live in L.A.; you'd be exhausted.

(1973 – ) American stand-up comedian

Trains in Britain can be late for all sorts of reasons: speed restrictions, livestock on the track, or a totally substandard rail infrastructure that’s publicly funded, privately run and answerable to no one… all sorts of reasons.

(1979 – ) English comedian & actor

L.A. is very dangerous; I carry a gun in my car, that way, in case the police stop me, I can fend them off until the press gets there.

American actor & writer

Canada’s national bird is the grouse.

(1913 – 1987) Canadian journalist

If your car breaks down in Tennessee, you have just moved to Tennessee.

(1965 – ) American actor, writer & comedian

England is better only because I stand out there as ‘unusual.’

(1956 – ) American comedian

But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies.

(1964 – ) U.S. governor (Alaska) commentator & author

Vacation: Two weeks on the sunny sands – and the rest of the year on the financial rocks.

(1920 – 2001) American writer & humorist

I miss America. I miss crime and murder. I miss Philadelphia. There hasn't been a brutal stabbing or anything here the last 24 hours. I've missed it.

(1963 – ) American professional basketball player & sports personality

Powdered milk, powdered eggs, baby powder… what a country!

(1951 – ) Soviet-American comedian

Germany, the diseased world's bathhouse.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun.

'Bush and Son: Leading America to War Since 1990.'

(1969 – ) American actress, comedian, producer & writer

In Russia we only had two TV channels: Channel One was propaganda, Channel Two consisted of a KGB officer telling you: “Turn back at once to Channel One.”

(1951 – ) Soviet-American comedian

He’s the first president to discover that what the American people want is to be left alone.

(1879 – 1935) humorist & social commentator

You have to know a man awfully well in Canada to know his surname.

(1875 – 1940) Scottish novelist, historian & Governor General of Canada

I can never forgive God for having created the French.

(1921 – 2004) English actor & author

In China, the piano piece ‘Chopsticks’ is known as ‘Knife and Fork.’

(1922 – ) English comedy writer & television presenter

The plain truth is, that he was a most intolerable ruffian, a disgrace to human nature, and a blot of blood and grease upon the history of England.

(1812 – 1870) English novelist

In England there are sixty different religions and only one sauce.

(1563 – 1608) Italian Catholic priest

The trouble with this country is that there are too many politicians who believe, with a conviction based on experience, that you can fool all of the people all of the time.

(1881 – 1960) American columnist