Subject: Places (Page 6)

Assuming either the Left Wing or the Right Wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles.

(1927 – 1997) Am. comedian & satirist notable for mock presidential campaign

'Bush and Son: Leading America to War Since 1990.'

(1969 – ) American actress, comedian, producer & writer

I'm sitting on top of the world, and I've got hemorrhoids.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

Venezuela! Great, that's the Italian city with the guys in the boats, right?

American boxing promoter

Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.

(1939 – ) comedian, actress, writer & producer

There’s no place like home… that’s why I never went back.

(1947 – ) comedian & actor

I’ve been to Canada, and I’ve always gotten the impression that I could take the country over in about two days.

(1962 – ) American political satirist, writer, television host & comedian

Even the police have an unlisted number.

(1908 – 1996) actor & comedian

A New Zealander in a frenzy is an American in a coma.

(1970 – ) New Zealand stand-up comedian & radio & television personality

What I gained by being in France was learning to be better satisfied with my own country.

(1709 – 1784) English author, essayist, critic, editor & lexicographer

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.

(1937 – 2008) stand-up comedian, social critic, actor & author

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

You always find something in the last place you look.

America: A nation that conceives many odd inventions for getting somewhere but can think of nothing to do when it gets there.

The last time I saw African kids this excited, Madonna was at their school with a net.

(1980 – ) English comedian, television and radio presenter & actor

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it.

(the Science Guy) (1955 – ) American science educator, writer & scientist

I was born in Alabama, but I only lived there for a month before I'd done everything there was to do.

(1959 – ) American comedian

Giving Northerners unbuttered instant grits is an old remedy for getting rid of tourists.

(1946 – 1994) writer & humorist

It'll be a great place if they ever finish it.

William Sydney Porter (1862 – 1910) American writer

Loving Chicago is like loving a woman with a broken nose.

(1909 – 1981) writer