Subject: Relationships (Page 14)

For my sister’s 40th birthday, I sent her a singing mammogram.


Courtship: A period during which a girl decides whether or not she can do better.

There’s always one teacher you had a crush on; for me, it’s my wife’s aerobics instructor.


[When his girlfriend is leaving him] You can’t go! All the plants are gonna die!

(1950 – ) American actor & comedian

Eventually soul mates meet, for they have the same hiding place.

American writer

When I was a boy, I laid in my twin-sized bed and wondered where my brother was.

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

You might be a redneck if… your sister is the third generation of women in your family to conceive a baby as a result of an alien abduction.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

I like my coffee like I like my men… I don’t drink coffee.

(1958 – ) comedian, actress & television host

Men are easy to get but hard to keep.

(1893 – 1980) actress, playwright, screenwriter & sex symbol

I'm glad I'm not bisexual… I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women.

(1930 – 2007) English comedian & nightclub owner

You might be a redneck if… your on your first date you had to ask your dad to borrow the keys to the tractor.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

What are answering machines for if not to break up with someone who bores you?

American playwright, television writer & author

One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothin' can beat teamwork.

(1927 – 1989) author, essayist & environmentalist

My uncle's dying wish – he wanted me on his lap; he was in the electric chair.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

Never assume that the guy understands that you and he have a relationship.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

I grew up with six brothers; that’s how I learned to dance – waiting for the bathroom.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

Burt Reynolds once asked me out… I was in his room.

(1917 – 2012) comedian & actress

I can't even find someone for a platonic relationship, much less the kind where someone wants to see me naked.

(1955 – ) American stand-up comedian & actor

Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.

cartoon character in, Peanuts, by Charles Schulz (1922 – 2000)

Maybe you're only allotted a certain amount of tears per man and I’ve used mine up.

(1965 – ) American actress, model, singer & producer

Some people claim that marriage interferes with romance. There’s no doubt about it. Anytime you have a romance, your wife is bound to interfere.

(1890 – 1977) comedian, actor & television host