Subject: Reviews/Criticism (Page 10)

Wow, I haven’t seen this much over-the-hill action since Don Ameche and Hume Cronyn did laps in Cocoon.

American film critic

According to Hollywood logic, none of the actual Titanic passengers was interesting enough, so the writer-director had to invent a Romeo and Juliet-style fictional couple to heat up the catastrophe. This seems a tiny bit like giving Anne Frank a wacky best friend, to perk up that attic.

(Paul Rudnick) (1957 – ) Satiric film critic & author

Jobs ends up being a fairly honest, only mildly bombastic look at the life of a man who was very, very complicated – which is code for ‘a complete a-hole.’

film critic

The best I can say about Conan the Barbarian is that it’s not as bad as I was expecting.

film critic

Barbra’s only spontaneous moment in Prince of Tides comes when Nick tosses her a football and she screams “My nails!”

(Paul Rudnick) (1957 – ) Satiric film critic & author

It’s disposable fun. Check your brain at the door on the way in. Drop all memory of the movie on your way out.

film critic

Little Indian, Big City is one of the worst movies ever made. I detested every moronic minute of it…if you, under any circumstances, see Little Indian, Big City, I will never let you read one of my reviews again.

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter

I’m glad it wasn’t that bad.

film critic

To imagine that there was a whole process required to bring this film to screen is almost too painful to imagine.

(movie reviews at

The audience would have booed and hissed after the first act, but you can't do that and yawn at the same time.

(1899 – 1973) English playwright, actor, composer, director & songwriter

Purists, be warned: This scare-flick quickie [House of Wax] has as much relation to the 1953 Vincent Price classic with the same title as Paris Hilton does to acting.

American film critic & televison interviewer

Julianne Moore] spends the entire film walking the razor’s edge: gauging the difference between brilliance and disaster before assertively losing her balance.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Let’s see, Ben Affleck is stuck with Sandra Bullock in a small vehicle, and they’re driving all the way to Georgia. Is he going to fall in love with her even though they’re complete opposites? Holy shit, I think so.

(movie reviews at

Several tons of dynamite are set off in this picture – none of it under the right people.

(1909 – 1955) American author, journalist, poet, screenwriter & film critic

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days: They could just have called it How to Lose an Intelligent Audience in 10 Seconds.

British editor, writer, author & reviewer

There has been but one sweet, misty interlude in my [insomnia]; that was the evening I fell into a dead dreamless slumber brought on by the reading of a book called Appendicitis.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

The acting is always good, but when it's not, you can always expect that character to flash her boobs, so who's complaining?

editor, director, performer, & film reviewer

The director, whose name is Pitof, was probably issued with two names at birth and would be wise to use the other one on his next project.

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter

The Wrong Stuff.

American journalist, author & film critic

She appeared to be suffering from: ‘Fallen archness.’

(1838 – 1918) journalist, historian, academic & novelist

Chain Reaction has more nifty coincidences than an identical twins convention.

(movie reviews at