Subject: Reviews/Criticism (Page 3)

If I’d had anything to do with it, I’d be wearing a balaclava and writing under an assumed name.

British broadcaster, writer & film critic

While Babylon A.D. isn’t the worst big-budget sci-fi film ever made, it comes near enough to merit avoiding at all costs.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Gone With the Wind is going to be the biggest flop in Hollywood history; I'm just glad it’ll be Clark Gable who's falling flat on his face and not Gary Cooper.

(1901 – 1961) film actor

The Detroit String Quartet played Brahms last night… Brahms lost.

(1898 – 1971) American humorist

It would kill a cat and turn rocks into scrambled eggs.

(1913 – 1975) American actor

They say state-of-the-art special effects can create the illusion of anything on the screen, and now we have proof: It's possible for the Jim Henson folks and Industrial Light and Magic to put their heads together and come up with the most repulsive single creature in the history of special effects, and I am not forgetting the Chucky doll…

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter

You leave eager to tell your friends about the unprecedented awfulness you’ve witnessed.

English movie reviewer

There's less in this than meets the eye.

(1903 – 1968) movie actress

Apparently the understudy had to go because of her throat; I suppose someone threatened to cut it.

(1865-1940) English actress

[Director Michael] Caton-Jones has about as much understanding of symbol and metaphor as a sock puppet.

(movie reviews at

Think of Cowboys & Aliens as the wet spot on your mattress after a night of questionable passion. Everyone knows who made the wet spot, but no one wants to own up to it.

(movie reviews at

If you don't knit bring a good book.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

I defy you to write a dumber screenplay.

film critic

If you plan on seeing Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, bring a book. You won't be able to read it in the darkened theater, of course, but it should still provide more entertainment than what’s on the screen. Feel the binding. Flip through the pages. Wear it on your head.

American film critic

Barbra’s only spontaneous moment in Prince of Tides comes when Nick tosses her a football and she screams “My nails!”

(Paul Rudnick) (1957 – ) Satiric film critic & author

This had all the drama of a traffic jam.

(movie reviews at

[Lindsay] Lohan reads more like oak than Marilyn Monroe on her most inebriated day.

film critic

The final irony of Rome is that it demonstrates that it is we, rather than the Romans, who are the ones really declining and falling.

English journalist novelist & television reporter

This movie is so badly acted and directed that it would have improved its seriousness significantly by casting finger puppets in the major roles.

(movie reviews at

How do you say, “I want a refund,” in Italian?

film critic

Blamelessness runs riot though the six hundred pages.

(1937 – ) British historian