Subject: Signs (Page 13)

Everyone on the premises is a vegetarian except the dog.

You’ll like our grade of honey – it’s bee-plus.

My Family's Nuts

Brief Moments

Children Left Unattended Will Be Towed At Parents Expense

Hair & Their


Don’t Give Away My Daugters’ [sic] Future!

Welcome – Inuman Elementary School

Mane Attraction

Elephant Butte Inn

Self Esteem is feeling good about yourself – regardless of the facts.

Watch Your Head

Warning: For indoor or outdoor use only.

The Fee is $6.50 for altered, $9.00 for unaltered, and $2.00 for citizens over 65.

Dusty Bibles lead to Dirty Lives

You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing.

Emergency Foot Surgery – Walk-ins Welcomed

Made In China

Poo Ping Thai Chinese Cuisine