Subject: Situations (Page 16)

If you're watchin' a parade, make sure you stand in one spot, don't follow it, it never changes.

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

Did I already do my déjà vu joke?

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

The time to pray is not when we are in a tight spot but just as soon as we get out of it.

(1818 – 1885) humorist

Caught a guy at the store comparing apples and oranges.

comedian & actor

I hate cold showers – they stimulate me, and then I don't know what to do.

Magicians disappear all the time, but as soon as a regular person does it, everyone is all scared… “Tom's gone! … Is he a magician?”… “No. … then let's print up some flyers!”

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

I bought a portable cable TV.


Life is something that happens when you can’t get to sleep.

(1856 – 1915) writer, publisher, artist & philosopher

The status quo sucks.

(1937 – 2008) stand-up comedian, social critic, actor & author

You know, I’m sick of following my dreams, man; I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ‘em later.

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same thing: ‘This looks much better on.’… On what?… On fire?

(1954 – ) American actress & comedian

I slept with this girl, in the morning I asked her if she wanted breakfast in bed… she said one pig in the blanket was enough.

(1966 – ) American stand-up comic

Until you walk a mile in another man's moccasins you can't imagine the smell.

(1930 – ) American author and billiard player, teacher & commentator

Hell is a half-filled auditorium.

(1874 – 1963) American poet

Silence: Having nothing to say and saying it.

Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason why it was put up.

(1874 – 1936) English author & mystery novelist

I was once arrested for walking in someone else’s sleep.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Don't worry, I'm merely catching up with sleep.

Being tired isn't the same as being rich, but most times it's close enough.

(1962 – ) writer & journalist