Subject: Situations (Page 21)

An inability to stay quiet is one of the most conspicuous failings of mankind.

(1826 – 1877) English economist & journalist

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

(1934 – ) English actor

The repairman will never have seen a model quite like yours before.

There can’t be a crisis next week, my schedule is already full.

(1923 – ) German-born diplomat & scholar

The less I behave like Whistler’s Mother the night before, the more I look like her the morning after.

(1903 – 1968) movie actress

If you volunteer to do a task that nobody likes to do, you'll be expected to do it every time in the future.

The world makes you into a bitch, no matter how quietly you go, so you may as well go kicking and screaming.

(1952 – ) comedian, actress & writer

Promised some people this week that I would water their plants and take care of their animals while they want on vacation… bad idea… the people are farmers.

comedy writer & stand-up comedian

The other day when I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question… wait a minute, I do have a dollar for every time I've been asked that question.

American basketball player & coach

Ever notice how random chance always picks you for jury duty, but not to win the lottery?

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

I never feel more alone than when I’m trying to put sunscreen on my back.

(1967 – ) American television host, producer, writer & comedian

You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince.

Magicians disappear all the time, but as soon as a regular person does it, everyone is all scared… “Tom's gone! … Is he a magician?”… “No. … then let's print up some flyers!”

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

I can tell if two people are in love by how they hold each other’s hands, and how thick their sanitation gloves are.

(1982 – ) American author

Do me a favor; when you get home, throw your mother a bone.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

Bureaucracy is the epoxy that greases the wheels of progress.

(1925 – 2010) American humorist & writer

I went to convent in New York and was fired finally for my insistence that the Immaculate Conception was spontaneous combustion.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

My dad's dying wish was to have his family around him… but I can't help thinking he would have been better off with more oxygen.

(1972 – ) Anglo-Irish comedian, writer & actor

I took a baby shower.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

If loving someone is putting them in a straitjacket and kicking them down a flight of stairs, then yes, I have loved a few people.

(1982 – ) American author