Subject: Sports » Boxing

Magri has to do well against the unknown Mexican who comes from a famous family of five boxing brothers.

British sports commentator

My main objective is to be professional, but to kill him.

(1966 – ) American boxing champion

My three best punches were the choke hold, the rabbit punch and the head butt.

American boxer

I ain't never heard of him. I suppose he's one of them foreign heavyweights; they're all lousy. Sure as hell I'll moida da bum.

American professional boxer

Since then we've changed the locks.

Mayor of Scranton PA

I'll do anything to keep from working for a living; if I've gotta fight a circus bear, then let's get the drawers on him and get it on!

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

Baroness Summerskill: Mr Cooper, have you looked in the mirror lately and seen the state of your nose?
Cooper: Well, madam, have you looked in the mirror and seen the state of your nose? Boxing is my excuse. What's yours?

English boxing champion

Muhammad Ali was on a plane when a stewardess asked him to fasten his seat belt. Ali told the lady: Superman don't need no seat belt.
The stewardess told the champ: Superman don't need no plane!

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

Joe Bugner fought Bruno like the objective of boxing was to get hit on the jaw.

boxing film collector

John Conteh has a neck like a stately home staircase.

English boxer

Jake LaMotta and I fought six times. We almost got married.

(1921 – 1989) American boxing champion

In boxing the right cross-counter is distinctly one of those things it is more blessed to give than to receive.

(1881 – 1975) English writer & humorist

Since I've retired, I eat less, weigh less, train less and care less.

American boxing champion

I love boxing. Where else do two grown men prance around in satin underwear, fighting over a belt? … the one who wins gets a purse… they do it in gloves. It's the accessory connection I love.

American comedian

I'd rather be a lamppost in Denver than the mayor of Philadelphia.

American professional boxer

Some people say George Foreman is fit as a fiddle, but I think he looks more like a cello.

(1922 – ) boxing trainer & manager

Not being born to parents who were accountants was probably my biggest mistake.

British boxing champion

He went to the hospital with bleeding kidneys, and me… I went dancing with my wife.

Canadian boxing champion

I told them sandwiches.

(1949 – ) American boxing champion

George 'Babe' Ruth and Old Jack Dempsey, both Sultans of Swat.
One hits where the other people are, the other where they're not.

Scottish snooker player

Now it comes to a simple equation – who can stand the heat.

British sports commentator