Subject: Sports » Boxing (Page 2)

Never in the ring of human conflict have so few taken so much from so many.

American boxer

Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? … he went to prison for three years, not Princeton.

(1922 – ) boxing trainer & manager

I'm always into a positive black image. Whenever Leon Spinks fights I always pray, 'Dear Lord, please don't let them interview Leon on TV.'

American television personality

Baroness Summerskill: Mr Cooper, have you looked in the mirror lately and seen the state of your nose?
Cooper: Well, madam, have you looked in the mirror and seen the state of your nose? Boxing is my excuse. What's yours?

English boxing champion

I'm going down so often these days you'd think I was making a blue movie.

English boxer

Terry Downes' face looked as if he had slept on it.

English broadcaster, journalist & author

Boxing is show-business with blood.

(1853 – 1931) American theatrical producer, impresario, director & playwright

When I get done with 'Sweet Pea,' he'll be 'Split Pea.'

American boxer

My toughest fight was with my first wife.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

I don't think his hands could take the abuse.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

John Conteh has a neck like a stately home staircase.

English boxer

Don King doesn't care about black or white. He just cares about green.

American boxing champion

Anyone who weighs over 200 pounds can punch; I don't care if it's a broad.

American boxing trainer

Now it comes to a simple equation – who can stand the heat.

British sports commentator

Tall men come down to my height when I hit ‘em in the body.

(1895 – 1983) American boxing champion

One day Don King will asphyxiate by the force of his own exhaust.

boxing trainer

Francesco Damiani punches with all the violence and bad intentions of Mahatma Gandhi.

American sportswriter

You're damn right I know where I am! I'm in Madison Square Garden getting the sh*t kicked out of me.

American boxer

Las Vegas is the oasis of outstretched palms.

English boxing journalist & commentator

It’s a lot harder than tennis. If I make a mistake, it’s like 0-15. In boxing, you let your head down once and you’re in the hospital.

American professional tennis player

It's like someone jammed an electric light bulb in your face, and busted it. I thought half my head was blowed off… When he knocked me down I could have stayed there for three weeks.

American boxing champion