Subject: Sports » Boxing (Page 4)

I’m not fat.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

Sleep came as it must come to all British heavyweights, midway in the fifth round.

(1905–1982) American sportswriter

Everybody has a plan, ’till they get hit.

(1966 – ) American boxing champion

I'm always into a positive black image. Whenever Leon Spinks fights I always pray, 'Dear Lord, please don't let them interview Leon on TV.'

American television personality

Brian London possesses the most unbeautiful face – it looks as if it, at one time, fell apart and was reassembled by a drunken mechanic.

English broadcaster, journalist & author

One day Don King will asphyxiate by the force of his own exhaust.

boxing trainer

Jack Dempsey hit me hardest, 'cos Dempsey hit me 211,000 dollars' worth, while Joe Louis only hit me 36,000 dollars' worth.

American boxing champion

The champion, Jess Willard, had about as much chance in this fight as a dish-faced chimpanzee in a beauty contest.

(1886 – 1969) American journalist & humorist

Everything Tyson's got has 'goodnight' written on it.

American boxing referee

He now floats like an anchor, stings like a moth.

After Buster Douglas knocked out Tyson – He's just like Humpty Dumpty. They're not going to be able to put Tyson back together again.

I'll do anything to keep from working for a living; if I've gotta fight a circus bear, then let's get the drawers on him and get it on!

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

Me and Jake LaMotta grew up in the same neighborhood. You wanna know how popular Jake was? When we played hide and seek, nobody ever looked for LaMotta.

(1919 – 1990) American boxing champion

When I get done with 'Sweet Pea,' he'll be 'Split Pea.'

American boxer

I love boxing. Where else do two grown men prance around in satin underwear, fighting over a belt? … the one who wins gets a purse… they do it in gloves. It's the accessory connection I love.

American comedian

Earnie Shavers could punch you in the neck and break your ankle.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

I can be found the next couple of months trying to perfect my new punch – the lip-buttoner.

American boxing champion

Now it comes to a simple equation – who can stand the heat.

British sports commentator

It opens a spacious firmament to the bewildered eyes, wherein you discover more planets in a second than most distinguished astronomers observe in a lifetime.

Boxing writer

A re-match with Eubank is not in my plans. I'm not interested in him because he's got nothing I want… except a Harley-Davidson motorbike.

British boxer

When I hit Jimmy with that left it felt like when you hit a baseball and it goes right into deep field.

American boxing champion