Subject: Sports » Boxing (Page 5)

He's not only a lousy fighter, he's a bad actor. Louis or Marciano could have whipped him by telephone.

American boxer

In boxing the right cross-counter is distinctly one of those things it is more blessed to give than to receive.

(1881 – 1975) English writer & humorist

He's standing there making a sitting target of himself.

English boxing manager & trainer

In pro boxing, let's face it, the name of the game is how much you make – not how many honors won. Billy Walker was the most successful flop in history.

English boxing journalist & commentator

I got a guy who's short, stoop shouldered and balding with two left feet. They all look better than he does as far as the moves are concerned, but they don't look so good on the canvas.

American boxing trainer

Ali wouldn't have hit Joe Louis on the bum with a handful of rice.

American boxer

They say they have picked Justin Fortune because he's the same height as Mike Tyson… so is my wife.

English boxing manager & promoter

Everything Tyson's got has 'goodnight' written on it.

American boxing referee

The bell went ding and I went dong.

British boxer

My three best punches were the choke hold, the rabbit punch and the head butt.

American boxer

That’s cricket, Harry, you get these sort of things in boxing.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

Venezuela! Great, that's the Italian city with the guys in the boats, right?

American boxing promoter

A re-match with Eubank is not in my plans. I'm not interested in him because he's got nothing I want… except a Harley-Davidson motorbike.

British boxer

I lost it by default, not de-punch.

English boxer

In his prime, Joe Bugner had the physique of a Greek statue, but he had fewer moves.

(1934 – ) Scottish sports writer

Howard Cosell is nobody’s fool. He’s everybody’s fool.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

Tyson fights like you stole something from him or said something nasty about his family.

boxing promoter

Me and Jake LaMotta grew up in the same neighborhood. You wanna know how popular Jake was? When we played hide and seek, nobody ever looked for LaMotta.

(1919 – 1990) American boxing champion

I ain't never heard of him. I suppose he's one of them foreign heavyweights; they're all lousy. Sure as hell I'll moida da bum.

American professional boxer

There seems only one way to beat George Foreman: shell him for three days and then send the infantry in.

(1934 – ) Scottish sports writer

I was once knocked out by a Mexican bantamweight – six of my pals were swinging him around by his heels at the time.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor