Subject: Sports » Hockey

All hockey players are bilingual; they know English and profanity.

(1928 – ) Canadian professional ice hockey player

I'm glad it's him and not some other puke.

Canadian hockey player

Since my kids were born, I put on a shield. I wanted to keep on seeing them.

Russian hockey player

One road trip we were stuck on the runway for seven hours. The plane kept driving and driving until we arrived at the rink and I realized we were on a bus.

Canadian hockey player

They say you're not a coach in the league till you've been fired. I must be getting pretty good.

Canadian hockey player & coach

Anytime you hold Dallas to a one touchdown, it's not all bad.

Canadian hockey player, coach & general manager

You know that creepy-looking guy you stare at two seats behind you, thinking, who would come to a movie by himself? That's me.

(1969 – ) Canadian ice hockey player & executive

If I get run into again, I'm taking someone with me. I lost one knee. I'll take a head if it happens again.

Canadian hockey goaltender

This is the only thing that has seen more parties than us.

American singer & songwriter (Aerosmith)

We've made a final offer. We hope [player] Ziggy Palffy will come to his senses. We have NO hope his agent will.

American player, coach & general manager

Our system of forechecking is to shoot the puck and leave it there.

Canadian hockey coach, general manager & commentator

It's going to be good to be on his side for a change. I'll save a lot of energy since I don't have to concentrate on whacking him. I'm pretty excited about that.

Canadian hockey player

We’ve got no-trade clauses. Nobody wants us.

Canadian hockey player

Early in the year, after a bad game, I said to my kids in the car, this is my last year and the next day I was getting phone calls from the school about whether I was retiring.  And that was in October.

(1961 – ) Canadian hockey player & owner

I had to pinch myself seeing the grassy knoll and the book suppository building.

Canadian hockey player

Lunch is on me.

(1969 – ) Canadian ice hockey player & executive

Owww… it caught ‘em right in the pants area.

(1958 – ) Canadian hockey player & announcer

If our goalies were in a divorce case, they could sue for lack of support and be millionaires tomorrow.

Canadian hockey player & broadcaster

Four out of five dentists surveyed recommended playing hockey.

We're right next to Mile High Stadium. I'm no rocket scientist, but… uh… [smile]

Canadian hockey player

Hockey would be a great game… if played in the mud.

(1909 – 1973) American sports journalist