Subject: Sports (Page 108)

His face looks like a closed fist.

(1919 – 1998) American sportswriter

Just give me 25 guys on the last year of their contract; I’ll win a pennant every year.

(1934 – 2010) American baseball manager

Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

Intensity is a lot of guys that run fast.

(1923 – 2001) American football coach

I don't think his hands could take the abuse.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

The shoulder surgery was a success; the lobotomy failed.

(1939 – ) American football player & coach

Hey, the offensive linemen are the biggest guys on the field, they're bigger than everybody else, and that's what makes them the biggest guys on the field.

(1936 – ) American football coach & television announcer

This is the second most exciting indoor sport, and the other one shouldn't have spectators.

American sports executive

The tactical difference between Association Football and Rugby with its varieties seems to be that in the former, the ball is the missile, in the latter, men are the missiles

English schoolmaster, sexologist, anthropologist & sports journalist

I miss the putt. I miss the putt. I miss the putt. I make the putt.

Spanish professional golfer

You might be a redneck if… your high school basketball game got rained out.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

I'll always remember the day I broke ninety. I had a few beers in the clubhouse and was so excited I forgot to play the back nine.

(1941 – ) poet, author, editor & anthologist

The secret of my success was clean living and a fast outfield.

(1908 – 1989) American baseball player

If he raced his pregnant wife he'd finish third.

Los Angeles Dodgers’ manager

Penn State had less firepower than Sweden did in World War II.

(1931 – 2012) American college football historian & television commentator

Rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. Steel.

(1902 – 1971) American comedian & singer

You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.

(1961 – ) Canadian hockey player & owner

What happens to me next year will happen to me no matter what happens.

professional basketball player

I’d be willing to bet you, if I was a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball.

American baseball player

If I survived the Marines, I can survive Ali.

American boxer

Howard Cosell would rather shave a wild lion with a dull razor than fight me. 

(1942 – ) American boxing champion