Subject: Sports (Page 112)

I think my favorite sport in the Olympics is the one in which you make your way through the snow, you stop, you shoot a gun, and then you continue on. In most of the world, it is known as the biathlon, except in New York City, where it is known as ‘winter.’

American writer

I’ll be sad to go, and I wouldn’t be sad to go; it wouldn’t upset me to leave St. Louis, but it would upset me to leave St. Louis; it’s hard to explain. You’ll find out one of these days, but maybe you never will.

Canadian-born American hockey player

On his 916th game as coach at University of Alabama – I've been here so long that when I got here the Dead Sea wasn't even sick.

American basketball coach

I didn't hear him because my two Stanley Cup rings were plugging my ears.

professional hockey player

If I ever need a heart transplant, I want his [Bobby Knight’s]… it’s never been used.

American basketball coach

Obviously a deer on the fairway has seen you tee off before and knows that the safest place to be when you play is right down the middle.

(1916 – 1987) television actor & comedian

Tony Gwynn, the fat batter behind Finley, is waiting.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

Passin’ Earnhardt is like trying to take a bone out of a Pit Bull’s mouth.

American auto racer

If God wanted football played in the spring, he would not have invented baseball.

football coach

In a way an umpire is like a woman. He makes quick decisions, never reverses them, and doesn't think you're safe when you're out.

American baseball umpire

Some people think football is a matter of life and death… I can assure them it is much more serious than that.

Scottish football player & manager

I came from a dirt farm, now I'm filthy rich.

American boxing champion

It was fun until a kid came up to me and said, “My dad says you're getting old, you're going to die, and your autograph will be valuable.

American baseball player

I can only see it going one way, that’s my way. How it’s actually going to go I can't really say.

English boxer

I didn’t hear him because my two Stanley Cup rings were plugging my ears.

Canadian ice hockey goaltender

We hate each other. People assume that we respect each other because we’re black. We don’t.

Canadian hockey player & commentator

Frank, you deserve a knighthood, or maybe even Lord of the Rings.

Irish television & radio presenter

The fans now, with their eyes pierced on the dart board.

English sports commentator

The bus leaves in an hour – anyone who needs a shower, take one.

(1923 – 2001) American football coach

If I'm having brain surgery, I'll be darned if I want that surgeon playing for a tie.

American college football coach

I'd trade Larry Murphy for a shaved monkey who could skate and a bucket of pucks.