Subject: Sports (Page 34)

Going into a game against Lew Alcindor [later Kareem Abdul-Jabbar] is like going into a knife fight and finding there's no blade in your handle.

basketball coach

Our strength is that we don’t have any weaknesses; our weakness is that we don’t have any real strengths.

College football coach

On the first day, Logie decided to chance his arm and it came off.

British sports commentator

They will pass the father-son tandem of Buddy Bell and Yogi Berra.

(1922 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

The problem with being Comeback Player of the Year is it means you have to go somewhere before you can come back.

Dutch-born American baseball pitcher

Reporter: Is it true that you’d throw at your own mother.
Gomez: You’re damn right I would, she’s a good hitter.

(1908 – 1989) American baseball player

1. The more tangled your line is, the better the fishing is around you. 2. The time available to go fishing shrinks as the fishing season draws nearer. 3. The least experienced fisherman always catches the biggest fish.
Corollary: The more elaborate and costly the equipment, the greater chance of having to stop at the fish market on the way home.

You have really solidified the Mets' centerfield problem.

(1922 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

The guy in front of me got number 76 and the guy behind me got number 78.

American football player & coach

I’m the guy that made Joe DiMaggio famous.

(1908 – 1989) American baseball player

Pudge is so old, they didn’t have history class when he went to school.

professional baseball player & broadcaster

Every car has a lot of speed in it. The trick is getting the speed out of it.

American auto racer

You can’t lose an old golf ball.

If the NBA were on channel five and a bunch of frogs making love was on channel four, I’d watch the frogs even if they were coming in fuzzy.

college basketball coach

Her time is about 4.33, which she’s capable of.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

I don't mind starting the season with a bunch of unknowns. I just don't like finishing a season with a bunch of them.

(1937 – ) football coach, sportscaster, author & speaker

It has made the richest prize in sport the richest prize in sport.

American boxer

I told her they must be all sold out.

Canadian hockey player

Baseball is a game which consists of tapping a ball with a piece of wood, then running like a lunatic.

Golf is not so much a sport as an insult to lawns.

Yeah… it’s called defense, I mean I wouldn't know anything about it personally but I've heard about it through the grapevine.

(1963 – ) American professional basketball player & sports personality