Subject: Sports (Page 55)

That is because I don't have one.

American football player

It's going to be nice to be embarrassed in practice instead of games.

Canadian hockey player

I never make predictions and I never will.

English football player

Three years ago, I couldn't spell author. Now I am one.

Canadian hockey player, coach & commentator

Why is a puck called a puck? Because ‘dirty little bastard’ was taken.

Canadian hockey player

I backed a horse today at 20:1; it came in at twenty past four.

(1921 – 1984) British comedian & magician

It would have been worse if we hadn't blocked the kick after Toronto's second touchdown.

Canadian hockey player

There goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

Why doesn’t the fattest man in the world become a hockey goalie?

We know he is a one-dimensional player, but it’s the dimension we don’t have.

Canadian sports broadcaster

The bell went ding and I went dong.

British boxer

I’m a light eater. As soon as it's light, I start to eat.

(1925 – ) American professional football player

It's like someone jammed an electric light bulb in your face, and busted it. I thought half my head was blowed off… When he knocked me down I could have stayed there for three weeks.

American boxing champion

If I play badly I’ll pick a fight in the third, just to get into a fight. I’ll break a guy’s leg to win, I don’t care. Afterward I say, ‘Yeah, all right I played badly, but I won the fight so who gives a damn.'

Canadian hockey player

In his prime, Joe Bugner had the physique of a Greek statue, but he had fewer moves.

(1934 – ) Scottish sports writer

There is no movement in the golf swing so difficult that it cannot be made even more difficult by careful study and diligent practice.

Anglo-Irish golfer

I can tell you it’s a magnificent sensation when the gap opens up like that and you just burst right through.

New Zealand rugby player & commentator

Whoever came up with ice fishing must have had the worst marriage on the planet.

(1953 – ) American comedian & writer

Every time I sign a ball, and there have been thousands, I thank my luck that I wasn’t born Coveseski or Wambsganss or Peckinpaugh.

American baseball player

Next up is Fernando Gonzales, who is not playing tonight.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

Fairway: The well-kept and seldom used portion of a golf course.