Subject: Sports (Page 81)

I’ll never make the mistake of being 70 again.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager

I came from a dirt farm, now I'm filthy rich.

American boxing champion

I know it's said that I can't punch, but you should see me putting the cat out at night.


Football kickers are like taxi cabs… you can always go out and hire another one.

(1931 – 2012) American college football historian & television commentator

He's gonna need an industrial-strength toothpick to pick the leather out of his teeth. I'm gonna hit this man so hard he's gonna grow an Afro.

Canadian boxer

He's got a cut on his left eye… it's just below his eyebrow.

British sports commentator

If I’m on the course and lightning starts, I get inside fast… if God wants to play through, let him.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

It's not very often you get to see the Lone Ranger and Toronto in the same night.

baseball manager

Putts get real difficult the day they hand out the money.

(1942 – ) American professional golfer

Francesco Damiani punches with all the violence and bad intentions of Mahatma Gandhi.

American sportswriter

All of his saves have come during relief appearances.

(1922 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

Claudell Washington plays the outfield like he's trying to catch grenades.

professional baseball player

You know you're on the Senior Tour when your back goes out more than you do.

professional golfer

These people haven’t seen the last of my face. If I go down, I’m going down standing up.

American basketball player

Nah, I’m just a prizefighter.

(1919 – 1990) American boxing champion

I had to pinch myself seeing the grassy knoll and the book suppository building.

Canadian hockey player

Turner pulls into second with a sun-blown double.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

A sports expert is the guy who writes the best alibis for being wrong.

(1909 – 1973) American sports journalist

I've only ever seen Errol Christie fight once before and that was the best I've ever seen him fight.

British boxer

Running a ball club is like raising kids who fall out of trees.

American baseball manager

Everybody has a plan, ’till they get hit.

(1966 – ) American boxing champion