Subject: Sports (Page 98)

A tap-in is a putt that is short enough to be missed one-handed.

(1945 – ) American humorist (co-founder of National Lampoon)

I'm okay. Russian machine never breaks.

Russian hockey player

The racecourse is as level as a billiard ball.

Scottish football player

He just got me in the right spot. In the small of the back. A good, clean, dirty hit… not that I didn't deserve it.

American hockey player

My kryptonite.

American football coach

Probably the best thing that happened to me was going nuts. Nobody knew who I was until that happened.

(1929 – ) American baseball player who had a well-publicized bipolar disorder

The dumbest question I was ever asked by a sportswriter was whether I hit harder with red or white gloves. As a matter of fact, I hit harder with red.

American boxer

I lost my job as a cricket commentator for saying, ‘I don't want to bore you with the details.’

(1964 – ) English comedian

No big deal. I just watched the game. I had the best seats of anyone in the crowd. It was awesome.

Czech hockey player

Putting allows the touchy golfer two to four opportunities to blow a gasket in the short space of two to forty feet.

(1916 – 2008) American professional golfer

… riding a typical McCoy race where, with five lengths to go, he literally picks up the horse and carries it over the line.

British sports commentator

It couldn't have happened to a greater guy… well, yes, it could have happened to me.

Los Angeles Dodgers’ manager

Frank, you deserve a knighthood, or maybe even Lord of the Rings.

Irish television & radio presenter

That was a tremendous six. The ball was still in the air as it went over the boundary.

English cricketer

It was about three-to-one that I was not an SOB.

(1923 – 2001) American football coach

If it's your brain, you'll be fine. That's the smallest organ in your body.

(1963 – ) American professional basketball player & sports personality

If a caddie can help you, you don't know how to play golf.

(1929 – ) American author & sportswriter

You may be right, but it hasn’t reached his legs yet!

Scottish football player & manager

Jesus Alou is in the on-deck circus.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

They say you're not a coach in the league till you've been fired. I must be getting pretty good.

Canadian hockey player & coach

The best time to play a freshman is when he is a junior.

Minnesota football coach