Subject: Things (Page 2)

In order to get out of car, open door, get out, lock doors, and then close doors.

If you need four screws for the job, the first three are easy to find.

Architect: One who drafts a plan of your house, and plans a draft of your money.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

You might be a redneck if… you have flowers planted in a bathroom fixture in your front yard.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.

(1950 – ) writer & humorist

The distance you have to park from your apartment increases in proportion to the weight of packages you are carrying.

Cottonballs are an example of something I’d want to buy, but not have as a nickname.

(1973 – ) American comedian

I like vending machines, because snacks are better when they fall; if I buy a candy bar at the store, oftentimes I will drop it, so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential.

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

Traffic Light: A trick to get pedestrians halfway across the street safely.

I have no problems with buying tampons, I am a fairly modern man… but apparently they’re not a ‘proper’ present.

(1972 – ) Anglo-Irish comedian, writer & actor

When the inventor of the drawing board messed things up, what did he go back to?

(1928 – 2003) English entertainer

If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.

(1940 – ) Italian-American auto racer

A necessary item goes on sale only after you have purchased it at the regular price.

Boat: A hole in the water surrounded by wood into which one pours money.

Keyboard: The standard way to generate computer errors.

My computer beat me at checkers, but I sure beat it at kickboxing.

(1956 – ) American comedian

I like to tease my plants when I water them… I like to water them with ice cubes.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

The bird, the bee, the running child are all the same to the sliding glass door.

(1973 – ) American comedian

I’m very conflicted by eye tests… I want to get the answers right but I really want to win the glasses.

British comedian, writer, actor & podcaster

Pictures deface walls oftener than they decorate them.

(1867 – 1959) architect, interior designer, writer & educator

You might be a redneck if… you just bought an 8-track player to put in your truck.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality