Subject: Time (Page 20)

When I was born, I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half.

(1895 – 1964) comedian (wife & partner of George Burns)

It's better to retire too soon than too late.

I've been on a calendar, but never on time.

(1926 – 1962) actress, sex symbol

The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war.

(1899 – 1985) US author & humorist

As soon as you dispose of a book, even one that has gathered dust for years, a pressing need to refer to it will arise.

Vacation: Two weeks on the sunny sands – and the rest of the year on the financial rocks.

(1920 – 2001) American writer & humorist

It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her son, and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.

(1876 – 1950) journalist & humorist

If I had my life to live over, I wouldn't have time.

(1936 – 1992) singer, songwriter, musician & actor

It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take Hofstadter's Law into account.

My friend Winnie is a procrastinator…. he didn’t get his birthmark until he was eight years old.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

People say ‘I’m taking it one day at a time.’ … you know what… so is everybody, that’s how time works.

Ain’t nobody out at that time a night but burglars and bad women.

History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.

(1915 – 2002) Israeli diplomat & politician

I think, in 10 years, hell's gonna be the only place left where you can still smoke.

(1965 – ) American comedian

Everything will go wrong at one time.

Corollary: That time is always when you least expect it.

The remaining work to finish in order to reach your goal increases as the deadline approaches.

I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

So what if I can’t spell Armaggedon? … it’s not the end of the world.

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

I know I'm drinking myself to a slow death, but then I'm in no hurry.

(1889 – 1945) actor, author & humorist

The larger the project or job, the less time there is to do it.

Time may be a great healer, but’s it’s a lousy beautician.