Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 11)

“I can no longer hear anything,” said Tom deftly.

“It’s just gold leaf”, said Tom guiltily.

“So, it’s a duel you want!” Tom shot back.

“That’s price-fixing!” said Tom caustically.

“Don’t you dare shoot that rubberband at me!” she snapped.

“We need more people like Ronald Reagan and Ronald McDonald,” said Tom moronically.

“It has zero height, zero width, and just a little depth,” said Tom, stretching the point.

“I was raised in a foster home,” said Tom transparently.

“This steamroller is amazing,” said Tom flatteringly.

“Emily has put on weight,” said Tom emphatically.

“That painting makes me laugh”, Tom articulated.

“I have writer’s block,” said Tom contritely.

“I’m a broken man,” Tom cracked.

“I visit my parents every Sunday,” said Tom weakly.

“Hey, you’re on my foot!” said Tom standoffishly.

“I like ragged margins,” said Tom without justification.

“I teach economics at the university,” Tom professed.

“Whenever I put on my scuba gear, I get pins and needles,” said Tom divertingly.

“I don’t work here on a regular basis,” said Tom casually.

“I just came in through the door,” said Tom, entranced.

“You resemble a goat,” said Tom satirically.