Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 14)

“Yes, we have no bananas,” Tom said fruitlessly.

“I just got a job putting up steel girders!” Tom beamed.

“Getting rid of acid is easy,” said Tom basically.

“Take tea and see,” said Tom briskly.

“Perhaps I will,” said Tom with all his might.

“There’s room for one more,” Tom admitted.

“I’m wearing my wedding ring”, said Tom with abandon.

“I couldn’t believe there were 527,986 bees in the swarm!” Tom recounted.

“Do you know the location?” asked Tom warily.

“It’s homemade soup,” said Tom uncannily.

“Our local clergyman has a toothache,” said Tom vicariously.

“How long will I have to wait for a table?” asked Tom without reservation.

“It’s just gold leaf”, said Tom guiltily.

“The doctor had to remove my left ventricle,” said Tom half-heartedly.

“Now no-one can detect my halitosis,” said Tom breathlessly.

“I’ve joined the navy,” Tom said fleetingly.

“Eating uranium makes me feel funny,” said Tom radiantly.

“I want to date other women,” said Tom unsteadily.

“Where shall I plant these water lilies?” Tom pondered.

“Sorry! I’ve accidentally pierced your cheek instead,” said Tom mysteriously.

“I’m mentioned in this book,” said Tom contentedly.