Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 14)

“Use your own hair brush,” Tom bristled.

“I have a BA in social work,” said Tom with a degree of concern.

“It’s my maid’s night off,” said Tom helplessly.

“I have a gift for you,” said Tom presently.

“Who is this Tom Swifty character anyway?” asked Tom unselfconsciously.

“I have three houses, and I’m going to buy another,” said Tom forebodingly.

“I caught two hares”, said Tom abrasively.

“Who is this Tom Swifty character anyway?” asked Tom unselfconsciously.

“The lion has its head caught in the skylight,” said Tom uproariously.

“I unclogged the drain with a vacuum cleaner,” said Tom succinctly.

“He’s a boring chap,” said Tom indulgently.

“I can no longer hear anything,” said Tom deftly.

“The sun is rising,” Tom mourned.

“Parsley, sage, rosemary,” said Tom timelessly.

“This fabric is not good enough to make a bolero,” said Tom unravellingly.

“I only use one herb when I cook,” said Tom sagely.

“I’ll take that”, said Tom appropriately.

“I won’t buy a circuit breaker,” Tom refused.

“Europe needs more self-restraint,” said Tom continently.

“It’s just gold leaf”, said Tom guiltily.

“I was absolutely vitrified,” said Tom with a glazed look.