Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 16)

“Give me some Chinese food”, said Tom wantonly.

“Boy, will I give you a haircut!” said Tom barbarously.

“This is where I keep my arrows,” said Tom quiveringly.

“Watch out for that broken glass!” she said sharply.

“I’m wearing a ribbon round my arm,” said Tom with abandon.

“I don’t work here on a regular basis,” said Tom casually.

“Will you quit rustling around in my closet!” said Leif.

“Would anyone like some Parmesan?” asked Tom gratingly.

“What’s the value of a dollar bill?” asked Tom noteworthily.

“I caught two hares”, said Tom abrasively.

“This is the most common language used on micros,” said Tom basically.

“Those cobs are amazing!” said Tom cornily.

“I wrote the book on that subject”, said Tom authoritatively.

“I unclogged the drain with a vacuum cleaner,” said Tom succinctly.

“Some day, people will be able to file lawsuits against computers,” said Tom soothingly.

“I ain’t afraid of those white men,” said Cochise bravely.

“The sun is rising,” Tom mourned.

“My giant sea creature died,” Tom wailed blubberingly.

“Yes, we have no bananas,” Tom said fruitlessly.

“I hear a brook,” Tom babbled.

“I can no longer hear anything,” said Tom deftly.