Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 18)

“I’m burning aromatic substances,” said Tom, incensed.

“I’ve still got two fingers left,” said Tom handsomely.

“I can take photographs if I want to!” Tom snapped.

“Pretend we were in the days before railways,” Tom coached.

“I can see because I have actual visual organs,” Tom realized.

“Europe needs more self-restraint,” said Tom continently.

“I need a pencil sharpener,” said Tom bluntly.

“You have the right to remain silent,” said Tom arrestingly.

“The seesaw is upside down,” said Tom saucily.

“Let’s sort this out,” Tom ordered.

“I’m just an average guy,” said Tom meanly.

“I want to be your best friend,” Tom said doggedly.

“Pass the playing cards,” said Tom ideally.

“I’m wearing a ribbon round my arm,” said Tom with abandon.

“I got this ballpoint pen from a Yugoslav friend”, said Tom acerbically.

“I am not full of hot air,” Tom belched.

“Take me to the dance,” Mary bawled.

“I’ve only enough carpet for the hall and landing,” said Tom with a blank stare.

“That is a sick bird,” said Tom illegally.

“My fellow Americans,” boomed Ronald Reagan, “I have just signed legislation to outlaw the state of Russia for ever…”

“I’m trying to get some air circulating under the roof,” said Tom fanatically.