Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 2)

“I wonder if I’d have better luck if I fished with a net,” Tom debated.

“There, there,” was Tom’s pat answer.

“I wouldn’t mind going with you to the tennis match,” she said gamely.

“Lights, camera, action!” Tom said directly.

“No ellipses, parabolas or hyperbolas,” said Tom laconically.

“This boat leaks,” said Tom balefully.

“I presented my case to the judge,” Tom said briefly.

“That young insect is female,” said Tom gallantly.

“I’m on social security,” said Tom dolefully.

“He’s a boring chap,” said Tom indulgently.

“Congratulations; you graduated,” said Tom diplomatically.

“Why shouldn’t I stir my yoghurt with a ballpoint pen?” Tom bickered.

“It only looks like cocaine,” Tom snorted.

“I wish I had something to write with,” Tom said pensively.

“This salad dressing has too much vinegar,” said Tom acidly.

“I don’t know any shanties,” said Tom unceasingly.

“I prefer trout to salmon,” Tom said officiously.

“I can talk faster than you,” Tom expressed.

“You must be my host,” Tom guessed.

“We could have made a fortune canning pineapples,” Tom groaned dolefully.

“Nobody has scored yet in the tennis game,” said Tom lovingly.