Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 2)

“I’m going to lie in the sun,” said Tom in Basque.

“There, there,” was Tom’s pat answer.

“It’s a German song,” Tom lied.

“It’s just gold leaf,” said Tom guiltily.

“Give me some Chinese food”, said Tom wantonly.

“I haven’t had my photographs developed yet,” said Tom negatively.

“I love hot dogs,” said Tom with relish.

“That little devil didn’t tell the truth,” Tom implied.

“You must be my host,” Tom guessed.

“I really don’t like tending the garden,” he said witheringly.

“I was the first to climb Mount Everest,” said Tom hilariously.

“Your tears simply do not affect me,” he observed dryly.

“I’m on the green,” Tom lied.

“I won’t finish in fifth place,” Tom held forth.

“I’m wearing a ribbon round my arm,” said Tom with abandon.

“The doctor had to remove my left ventricle,” said Tom half-heartedly.

“Melinda broke my heart,” Tom said half-heartedly.

“Pretend we were in the days before railways,” Tom coached.

“I’m a lot taller than I was yesterday,” said Tom gruesomely.

“I hear a brook,” Tom babbled.

“Sorry, what I said was a no-brainer?” asked Tom absentmindedly.