Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 22)

“I have a split personality,” said Tom, being frank.

“I compliment the company that makes the Macintosh computer,” said Tom applauding.

“That’s already been taken care of,” Tom pretended.

“I can lend you the money,” Tom said with interest.

“I have writer’s block,” said Tom contritely.

“Why is this telephone flex always tangled?” asked Tom coyly.

“Has the bear gone away?” asked Tom intently.

“Sesame,” said Tom openly.

“Don’t let me drown in Egypt!” pleaded Tom, deep in denial.

“We had trouble with the propulsion systems for those moon flights”, said the NASA engineer apologetically.

“All right – we’ll use a water solution”, Tom acquiesced.

“I have a BA in social work,” said Tom with a degree of concern.

“Some you lose,” said Tom winsomely.

“Rasputin and I are lovers,” said Nicholas bizarrely.

“I can talk faster than you,” Tom expressed.

“Once again, I read it on Wikipedia,” Tom recited.

“Your tears simply do not affect me,” he observed dryly.

“Okay, you can switch on the electric chair now,” said Tom conceitedly.

“My cat George is my dearest friend,” Tabitha purred.

“Whenever I put on my scuba gear, I get pins and needles,” said Tom divertingly.

“The lion has its head caught in the skylight,” said Tom uproariously.