Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 4)

“You have the right to remain silent,” said Tom arrestingly.

“These propulsion systems were used by NASA on moon rockets,” said Tom apologetically.

“I need an injection,” Tom pleaded in vain.

“I can take photographs if I want to!” Tom snapped.

“Those cobs are amazing!” said Tom cornily.

“I don’t know any shanties,” said Tom unceasingly.

“My friend and I steal things together,” Tom corroborated.

“This is the most common language used on micros,” said Tom basically.

“I’m wearing my wedding ring”, said Tom with abandon.

“Another plate of seafood for me!” Tom clamored.

“Use your own hair brush,” Tom bristled.

“Don’t let me drown in Egypt!” pleaded Tom, deep in denial.

“The roof is about to collapse”, Tom upheld.

“Get out of my hair,” was Tom’s brush-off.

“I have no underwear,” Tom said expansively.

“This is mutiny!” said Tom bountifully.

“Is it true that some animals will eat their own babies?” asked Tom literately.

“It’s freezing,” Tom muttered icily.

“Has my magazine arrived?” Tom asked periodically.

“Why shouldn’t I stir my coffee with a ballpoint pen?” Tom bickered.

“It’s a German song,” Tom lied.