Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 4)

“Don’t add too much water,” said Tom with great concentration.

“I feel so empty,” said Tom vacuously.

“He’s a boring chap,” said Tom indulgently.

I know who turned off the lights,” Tom hinted darkly.

“So, it’s a duel you want!” Tom shot back.

“My wife is going to have a test tube baby”, Tom injected artificially.

“My fellow Americans,” boomed Ronald Reagan, “I have just signed legislation to outlaw the state of Russia for ever…”

“It’s my maid’s night off,” said Tom helplessly.

“Melinda broke my heart,” Tom said half-heartedly.

“That may cause my violin strings to snap,” was Tom’s gut reaction.

“Would you like some soda?” asked Tom caustically.

“I invested in a hi-tech startup,” Tom ventured.

“I’m not myself, today,” said Tom, being frank.

“It’s homemade soup,” said Tom uncannily.

“Can I become a chorister?” Tom inquired.

“I’ve thought of another exception,” Tom rebutted.

“The food here is terrible,” he muttered, swallowing his words.

“You dance just like Fred Astaire,” she said gingerly.

“It’s not fair!” said Tom darkly.

“Those ballet students should be forced to do their exercises in the nude,” said Tom barbarically.

“I will file a counter suit against you,” Tom retorted.