Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 5)

“The censors took all the dirty bits out of my show,” said Tom deludedly.

“This wind is awful,” blustered Tom.

“It’s an actual parameter, not a formal parameter,” was Tom’s argument.

“Ein, zwei, drei, fünf,”” said Tom fearlessly.

“Use your own toothbrush!” Tom bristled.

“Whenever I put on my scuba gear, I get pins and needles,” said Tom divertingly.

“It’s not a candy mint, it’s a breath mint”, Tom asserted.

“I was removed from office,” said Tom disappointedly.

“Oops, I’ve ripped my pants!” was Tom’s unseemly comment.

“I admire East End gangsters,” said Tom crazily.

“I need a pencil sharpener,” said Tom bluntly.

“It’s my personal magnetism,” said Tom ironically.

“The policeman charged me twenty bucks for speeding,” said Tom finally.

“Nay!” said Tom hoarsely.

“Who is this Tom Swifty character anyway?” asked Tom unselfconsciously.

“One of the ten finalists in the ‘London derriere’ contest had to drop out”, said Tom asininely.

“I’m swimming in the middle of Paris!” shouted Tom insanely.

“I’m sure we can fool them into thinking this is pollen,” said Tom beguilingly.

“It’s the quotient of two integers,” said Tom rationally.

"Welcome to my tomb," said Tom cryptically.

“I’ve stuck a pin through my nose,” said Tom punctually.