Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 6)

“I work at a bank,” said Tom tellingly.

“Your tears simply do not affect me,” he observed dryly.

“I’m a lot taller than I was yesterday,” said Tom gruesomely.

“Why is this telephone flex always tangled?” asked Tom coyly.

“I’ve been to a film festival in Southern France,” said Tom cannily.

“Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I sleep in a wigwam; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends I sleep in a teepee”, said Tom very attentively.

“Oops, I’ve ripped my pants!” was Tom’s unseemly comment.

“Are you all governors?” Tom asked, bored.

“Take tea and see,” said Tom briskly.

“Here’s the story of the Liberty Bell”, Tom told us appealingly.

“Doctor, why do you have to remove my womb?” asked Mary hysterically.

“Someday I’ll run the CIA,” said Tom aspiringly.

“Here’s your allowance for the next two weeks,” Tom advanced.

“Use your own toothbrush!” Tom bristled.

“I know what herb would taste nice with this,” said Tom sagely.

“I’ve an urgent appointment,” said Tom in Russian.

“I clubbed a diamondback snake with a spade,” Tom said heartlessly.

“I’m a broken man,” Tom cracked.

“I’m very popular with women”, said Don wanly.

“I’d better repeat that SOS message,” said Tom remorsefully.

“Ignore the first three turnings,” directed Tom forthrightly.