Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 7)

“It’s made the grass wet,” said Tom after due consideration.

“I wouldn’t like anything but just that,” said Tom wantonly.

“I’ve struck oil!” said Tom crudely.

“Aha! Here’s someone who can’t speak!” exclaimed Tom dumbfoundedly.

“I’m going to be intestate,” said Tom unwillingly.

“My giant sea creature died,” Tom wailed blubberingly.

“I lost my trousers,” said Tom expansively.

“That’s nothing!” said Tom naughtily.

“Here’s the story of the Liberty Bell”, Tom told us appealingly.

“You must be my host,” Tom guessed.

“I hear a brook,” Tom babbled.

“I only use one herb when I cook,” said Tom sagely.

“Those ballet students should be forced to do their exercises in the nude,” said Tom barbarically.

“I wonder where the next character is going to appear,” said Tom with a cursory glance.

“I am so one of the seven dwarfs!” he said grumpily.

“I’m going to lie in the sun,” said Tom in Basque.

“I’ve joined the navy,” Tom said fleetingly.

“I need some suspenders for my pants,” Tom upheld.

“Has the bear gone away?” asked Tom intently.

“Once again, I read it on Wikipedia,” Tom recited.

“I’m swimming in the middle of Paris!” shouted Tom insanely.