Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 7)

“I still haven’t struck oil,” said Tom boringly.

“A dog bit me,” said Tom rabidly.

“I was the first to climb Mount Everest,” said Tom hilariously.

“There, there,” was Tom’s pat answer.

“Phew! I’ve just finished learning all Shakespeare’s works,” said Tom willfully.

“This food tastes of plutonium,” said Tom glowingly.

“The doctor had to remove a bone from my arm,” said Tom humorlessly.

“I unclogged the drain with a vacuum cleaner,” said Tom succinctly.

“I’m in the shower,” called out Tom barely audible.

“It’s not a candy mint, it’s a breath mint”, Tom asserted.

“I’d better repeat that SOS message,” said Tom remorsefully.

“The escaped prisoner is camping out in the woods,” said Tom contentedly.

“I have lost all my Hungarian sheet music,” said Tom listlessly.

“It’s a German song,” Tom lied.

“I have no recollection of the last twenty-four hours,” said Tom lackadaisically.

“And to think I swallowed that lie, hook, line and sinker!” Tom gulped.

“My wife is cheating on me,” Tom cackled.

“I’m a lot taller than I was yesterday,” said Tom gruesomely.

“Those hookers are putting notices in the personals”, Tom advised.

“Watch this insect sail through the air,” said Tom flippantly.

“This salad dressing has too much vinegar,” said Tom acidly.