Subject: Translations (Page 5)


Grossy Hair

He was stuck in his zipper.

Teppan Yaki (Before Your Cooked Right Eyes)

To move the cabin, push button for wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by national order.

Please do not bring solicitors into your room

Warning – No Swimming If your can’t swim

Come Broil Yourself at Your own Table.

Painapple Candy

Get Closer To Urinal For a Better Life

If You Are Stolen, Call the Police At Once.

Tofu is made of soybeans, water, and magnesium chloride.

Teeth extracted by the latest methodists.

Please keep loud, wild babes out of the sanctuary.

Warning! Put the chewing gum eats for myself in the garbage box surely oneself. Do not vomit to the floor, never throw away, never join to the stage, and never rub against the wall.

Asian confusion cuisine

Pepelea's Meat Balls

Be Aware of Invisibility

Please don’t torch yourself, Let us help you to try out. Thanks!

Very Suspicious Supermarket