Subject: Translations (Page 8)

Beward of Sharp Edge Open.

Phouc Hing Market

The notebook having horizontal ruled line and being able to fold up is the best for arranging sentences.

The adopted mother returns to a pot of fish


Fresh Herpes 95¢


Strawberry crap.

Stare in a coll dry place away from strong light & odours.

Would you like to ride on your own ass?

NO PARKING – Other Wise Tyres Wall Be Flattered – Parking at Owner’s Risk

Dangerous! Don’t Screw Off!

Happiness is getting past pasta joke.

No limit on sex.

Muscles Of Marines/Lobster Thermos

Not Open To People Be Sloppily Dressed

Please Throw Anything & Toilet Paper Into the Toilet Bowel

Quiet or I'll blow your throat up.