Subject: Work » Occupations (Page 12)

I dedicate this show to my dad who was a roofer… so dad, if you’re up there…

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

Statistician: A person who believes that if you put your head in a furnace and your feet in a bucket of iced water, on the average you should feel reasonably comfortable.

I once had an accountant who was so good with numbers he eventually got to wear one for ten to fifteens years.

American comedy writer

Undertaker: The last guy to let you down.

… there are three sexes – men, women, and clergymen.

(1771 – 1845) English writer & Anglican clergyman

Me carrying a briefcase is like a hotdog wearing earrings.

(1934 – 2010) American baseball manager

Ninety-nine per cent of the work of the professional bodyguard consisted of one activity: frowning.

(1949 – ) English novelist

You think when gym teachers are younger, they’re thinking, “You know, I want to teach, but I don’t want to read?”

(1966 – ) American stand-up comedian & actor

Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators.

(1918 - 2002) American author

Every woman should marry an archaeologist because she grows increasingly attractive to him as she grows increasingly to resemble a ruin.

(1890 – 1976) British crime writer of novels, short stories & plays

The chief distinction of a diplomat is that he can say no in such a way that it sounds like yes.

(1897 – 1972) Canadian prime minister

Auditor: A person who goes in after the war is lost to bayonet the wounded.

… being a miner, as soon as you are too old and tired and sick and stupid to do the job properly, you have to go… well, the very opposite applies with judges.

(1937 – 1995) English satirist, writer & comedian

A critic is a legless man who teaches running.

(1880 – 1946) American playwright, critic & writer

A plastic surgeon's office the only place where no one gets offended when you pick your nose!

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

Truck Driver: A man who has the opportunity to run into so many nice people.

School teachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday.