Subject: Work » Occupations (Page 3)

Forever poised between a cliche and an indiscretion.

(1894 – 1986) British prime minister

The Lord taught me to love everybody, but the last ones I learned to love were the sportswriters.

(1922 – ) American baseball player & manager

Diplomat: A headwaiter who is allowed to sit down occasionally. 

(1921 – 2004) English actor & author

Why does every flight attendant seem like they are going through a divorce?

(1974 – ) American comedian

Men in high levels of government seldom surf.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

The three toughest jobs in the world are: President of the United States, mayor of New York, and head football coach at Notre Dame.

(1931 – 2012) American college football historian & television commentator

I dedicate this show to my dad who was a roofer… so dad, if you’re up there…

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

‘Son, I don’t think you’re cut out to be a mime.’ ‘Was it something I said?’ asks the son. ‘Yes.’

(Daniel Barker) British comedian, voice-artist & actor

She was a good cook, as cooks go; and as cooks go, she went.

(1870 – 1916) British writer

An actor is the kind of guy who, if you ain't talking about him, ain't listening.

(1910 – 1984) American film producer & publicist

If I were a grave-digger, or even a hangman, there are some people I could work for with a great deal of enjoyment.

(1803 – 1857) English writer

One thing about being a cabbie is that you don’t have to worry about being fired from a good job.

(1935 – ) American actor

Economist: One who takes a lot of unwarranted assumptions and reaches a foregone conclusion.

Teaching has ruined more American novelists than drink.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Historian: An editor of yesterday’s news.

The pay is good and I can walk to work.

(1917 – 1963) 35th U.S. president

When I told my friends I was going to be a comedian, they laughed at me.

Matt Thompson (1965 – ) American comedian

My girlfriend likes to play doctor; so I always make her wait 90 minutes before I see her.

(1952 – ) American comedian & actor

Chiropodist: A man who makes money hand over foot.

The only reason people work for airlines is because the Nazi party is no longer hiring.

(1983 – ) American comedian

Everybodyworks for the sales department