Subject: Work (Page 9)

Acting: A good training for political life; the only problem is the speeches are harder to learn.

(1911 – 2004) 40th U.S. president & actor

Retired is being tired twice, I've thought, first tired of working, then tired of not.

(1906 – 1989) American poet & author

Security isn’t. Management can’t. Sales promotions don’t. Customer assistance doesn’t. Worker’s won’t.

Who says nothing is impossible?… some people do it every day!

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

Never mistake motion for action.

(1899 – 1961) author & journalist

Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

You will never plough a field if you only turn it over in your mind.

Experimental psychologist: A scientist who pulls habits out of rats.

(1904 – 1974) American author & radio producer

Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing.

(1912 – 1977) German-born rocket engineer

Generals who can write always make me nervous.

(1921 – ) American newspaper editor

Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators.

(1918 - 2002) American author

Never take a reference from a clergyman; they always want to give someone a second chance.

Job: A place where you work just hard enough to avoid getting fired while getting paid just enough to avoid quitting.

What will get you promoted on one level will get you killed on another.

The Lord taught me to love everybody, but the last ones I learned to love were the sportswriters.

(1922 – ) American baseball player & manager

He worked like hell in the country so he could live in the city, where he worked like hell so he could live in the country.

(1878 – 1937) humorist, journalist & author

Housekeeping ain't no joke.

(1832 – 1888) novelist

So the rule is, if you screw up just one too many job interviews, you become a stand-up comedian.

(1970 – ) American comedian & television game show host

I got a new job stitching shoes; it was so-so.

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

When you do not know what you are doing, do it neatly.

First rate mathematicians choose first rate people, but second rate mathematicians choose third rate people.

(1906 – 1998) French mathematician