Author: Associated Press

Norwegian Motorist is Slapped with Parking Ticket While Stuck in Traffic Jam

Curious George Goes High-Tech

Top Terror Fugitive Hid from Police on Nudist Beach

Crashed Jet May Have Flown Too Low

Swiss Hale Heroin Giveaway A Success

Ancient Chinese Tradition Develops

Man Plunges Over Cliff While Posing For Photo

Nader Calls Convention a 'Carnival'

Lindsay Lohan: Rehab Was a ‘Sobering Experience’

Y2K Crisis Center: What To Do?

Terror Leader In Iraq Declares War On Tape

Thieves Steal 8 Tons of Spa Mud

Presidential Footwear on Display

Pole Sets World Record for Pole-Sitting

DUI Coordinator Resigns After Being Charged With DUI

Maybe Error Led To Crash

Pig Music Ordered Turned Down

Butter Said as Deadly as Cigarettes

'Santa' Steals Painkiller From Drug Store

Seven Inches Is Enough, RIM Tells Jobs

X-ray Confirms Snake Swallowed Dog